Here are 7 work from home tips to help you stay productive and achieve all your goals this year!
Work From Home Tips
Working from home can be challenging, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to be productive and creative. With the right strategies and tools, it’s possible to maintain focus, stay organized, and make the most of your work day.
Here are 7 work-from-home tips to stay productive
1. Set a schedule and stick to it. This will help you stay productive and on task. picture – google cal time block
Having a morning routine is essential to starting your day on track. We all know the importance of making your bed, but be sure to include something in your morning routine that will get you out of bed. Mine is quiet before my daughter wakes up and that first warm cup of coffee.
In addition to a designated start and end time, you should also include a lunch break. This will keep you from wandering around the kitchen and peaking in the refrigerator throughout the day. Know when your lunch is scheduled, and better yet, make sure you have your food already meal prepped.
Rewarding yourself is an excellent way to signify the end of your work day. When my last task is complete, I usually put on my pajamas and enjoy a glass of wine.
2. Create a designated workspace in your home. This will help you stay focused and separate your work and personal life.
Even though it can be very tempting, do not work from your bed! This is a significant first step to help you separate your work life from your personal life.
I used to have a designated office in my home, but now that my daughter has returned and reclaimed her room, I have had to adjust.
I usually set up my work area in my dining room because it is well-lit and I have plenty of table space.
Check out how I set up my little Mobile Office HERE.
3. Take breaks throughout the day. This will help you stay energized and focused.
- Take a quick step outside to get some fresh air
- Set a time and read your current fiction book for 10 minutes
- Go for a short walk
- Or my favorite! Have an afternoon cup of coffee or tea. (I will usually read while enjoying this pick me up)
4. Create a to-do list. This will help you stay organized and on top of your tasks.
- Make a list of all your tasks for the day/weekย
- Prioritize tasks with due dates, urgency, and importance
- Break down large tasks into smaller, achievable tasks
- Schedule time for each task and stick to it
- Make use of reminders and alarms
If you are familiar with me, you know I prefer a paper planner. There are also so many free digital planner options out there. But all you really need is a pen and a notebook!
5. Wear what’s comfortable but also makes you feel put together and productive.
When it comes to getting dressed for work, it’s important to find a balance between comfort and feeling put-together. Choose lightweight, breathable materials that move with your body but also look stylish and functional.
I tend to dress in black yoga pants and a cute but comfortable top because I can throw on a pair of boots to dress it up when I need to step out of the house.
6. Eliminate distractions. This will help you stay focused on the task at hand.
This tip speaks for itself! Put down the phone, turn off the TV, and just deal with the tasks you have assigned yourself for the day.
Make sure to turn off any notifications or alerts that may distract your attention from the task.
I actually only look at my phone once my morning routine is complete. This is how I keep my morning all to myself before family, friends, and the world fight for my attention.
7. Make sure to take some time for self-care.ย
It’s important to have other outlets to stay balanced and healthy.
Here are some examples of mine:
- exercising, mostly running
- journaling
- playing in my planner
- cooking
- making YouTube videos!